I go to a club on the saturday nights I order a vodka to make me feel right The place is packed Dancing couples everywhere I take a seat in the corner and stare Suddenly I see You're dancing too Your hips are shaking I dont know what to do I wanna talk to you But my mouth is dry, Oh why am I so shy Yabadabaday yoboboboboy I wanna be your disco boy I wanna dance with you and i hold you tight I wanna make you mine tonight I'm heading to the bar to have another drink Yes, I need a drink and some time to think Five vodkas later I had a plan I know i must be brave and act like a man Like a bridge Come and I falling to the trance People come closer to see my discodance Come closer to and keep me in view All I'm singing this just for you Yabadabaday yoboboboboy I wanna be your disco boy I wanna dance with you and i hold you tight I wanna make you mine tonight
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